Sunday, April 25, 2021

A Few Fine Days


April 22

These two photos of Bert and Martha were taken almost ten years apart. The first inside the polytunnels, the second heading in the direction of it. Both pictures were taken on a Thursday, or Sprogday as Bert likes to call it. 

Martha spent a good deal of her time on Thursday trying to persuade Bert to open an Instagram account. He was having none of it. She then tried for a Facebook account but we explained he already had one which he never wanted and has never used. I started it for him then we promptly forgot the password so we cannot even close it. Martha sees Bert as her possible backdoor to social media but it's not going to happen. 

April 23

It's been fine and dry all this week. I caught up with my seed sowing plans. I think I have enough seedlings now to fill all the space available to me. Bert bought soaker hoses which, when they are installed, will ease the summer watering burden. Eventually, he hopes to feed them from collected rainwater - a project that will entertain him for a week or so.

April 24

We had visitors. The warm weather means that we can have people around to take join in outdoor pursuits. R and I lifted stones from a hole in the orchard, hoping to create a wildlife pond. It is going to be a lot of work. That hole was dug by Sammy Gage many years ago but the pond never happened. When the grandchildren came along I put it on hold for fear they might drown in it. Both girls have now become accomplished swimmers so no need to worry now.

R discovered a bee bank in the stack garden and this old drinker buried in a pile of rubble. 

She said it would make a good bird bath so as we've been looking at it for 20 years and never thought of that, the drinker can go live in her yard.

April 25

Another fine day which I spent sowing, weeding and watering. Saw hardly any birds except for blackbirds and starlings and my inevitable gardening companion, the robin. Hannah tells me that her tree sparrows have been very busy today. they don't come into the more open parts to the yard, preferring to lurk in Hannah's overgrown back which is bird heaven.

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