Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Today is the 10th anniversary of our mother's death. Last night I spent an hour looking through photographs to pick a few favourites. A few! There were so many that were my favourites - I just couldn't choose.

Mum was a cheeky and confident wee girl going by the few remaining snapshots, a fashion-conscious teenager and a delighted bride. There were no solo portraits during her mothering years. I expect that if there was film in the Kodak camera then it was pointed at us. That changed as Matty grew older, when her children started taking photographs. There are hundreds to choose from in the white-haired years.

Matty claimed not to like having her picture taken but I think that wasn't entirely true. I always tried to distract her, or better still, make her laugh. She had the loveliest smile and an infectious laugh. Her smile came easy.

I have been trying to think what I'd like to say about her on this day, ten years with only memories to go on. Something that was special about her and it is this. She never stopped growing as a person, she knew there was still more to find out about life. She was improving with age. I always thought we'd have her until her 90th decade. Imagine how wise Matty would have been by now. But still, weren't we lucky to have her as long as we did.

Martha/Matty/Mother, still loved and missed, on this day and every other day.