Saturday, May 01, 2021

How I Pass The Time


We humans are not the only ones who have been locked up inside our homes because of a highly infectious virus. Outbreaks of Avian flu have required Helen and the other hens to stay indoors too. Now chicken restrictions have been lifted and they are now free to wander as long as they don't leave the yard.  

So I brought Helen over for a visit. Since she lost sight in her left eye she is the one that everybody hates and is not allowed to perch with the other girls. So I spoil her, make sure she gets (more than) her fair share of the treats. When I go into the run she runs over and allows me to pick her up and stroke her. 

Now that our own lockdown has eased I am considering a trip to Belfast. I've had two jabs of Pfizer and should be OK on the train with my mask and sanitiser to hand. I might do it this week.

We celebrated the easing yesterday with a backyard pizza party with friends. Sorry Italian people but this was the best pizza I've ever had. It was my once a week evening for wine so a great evening all round. The only thing was - ten o'clock came round and I was ready for bed. Looks like late night socialising is over forever.