Sunday, October 10, 2021

But It's Only Eleven O'Clock

This afternoon, when I got back from running Martha and Evie back home I saw Karl's van in the yard. Surely it cannot be Sunday again? It was Sunday about 5 minutes ago.  It's become a regular thing on Sundays - Bert has friends around with high-powered archery kits and they shoot arrows and guns at targets in the long shed. They're using Clint's straw bales to back up the targets but he's not supposed to know that. Don't tell him. 

It must be great being a boy. All the fun they can still have in their forties, fifties, sixties and beyond. I hope they are still at it in their seventies, eighties and nineties. 

I didn't have a bad weekend myself as we had Martha and Evie for a sleepover. We debated takeaway on Saturday night but decided on Granny's home-cooked tacos and salad. I'm getting better at Tex-Mex thanks to Martha's constructive advice. Her only beef this time was that there should have been tortilla chips and sour cream.

Afterwards, we watched back to back animated films, The Willoughbys and Hotel Transylvania. I enjoyed both but it was having the girls that made it fun. I can't imagine watching those films without grandchildren. 

When the second film was over I said, 

Expect you're tired. I know I am.

And Evie said,

But it's only eleven o'clock.

Nevertheless, they were both sleeping moments after climbing into bed. So was I.

No photographs this weekend but here's one I took earlier. About eight years earlier.

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