Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Playing for Dogs


Evie sets up the cello for practice. Luckily our dogs are fond of music. 

Jess settles down behind Evie, Judy dozes in the chair next to her. That is Judy's favourite chair. Ten pounds from the charity shop that raises funds to educate (indoctrinate) children in Kenya. I should take it out and burn it except the environment, and Judy. Evie calmly continues with her set-piece. The cello is very easy to listen to. Posie looks like she is ready for mischief.

Here comes Martha, on a mission (not the indoctrination of African youth). She is looking for Posie who needs some outdoor exercise.

Maya and Rex would like some outdoor exercise too.

Evie continues to play while Posie is fastened into her harness. Posie is not (yet) a music fan.

Off you go Posie. Bert will play you the clarinet later while you bark in time and finish on a high-pitched puppy yowl. You will learn to enjoy music in time.


  1. Martha looks really tall in these photographs.

  2. She is coming up on 5'2".

  3. How flat out charming.
    The chair does match the sofa. :)

  4. I was also thinking how tall Martha is and now like her mum she looks
