Sunday, January 09, 2022

In A Funk

 Maybe because it's post-Christmas and the weather isn't right but I've been in a funk this past week. It was too mild over Christmas, the bloody wallflowers are in bloom and then we had snow.


And then it all melted away and it was mild again.

Yesterday I felt so grotty on waking that I took a rapid Covid test (my very first). It was negative which made me feel slightly better. If it's not Covid I'm worrying about it's something else. I have this weird pain at the side of my head. Of course, I imagine it to be the worst possible thing but it is probably because I keep clenching my jaw.

Tomorrow I am going to town to spend my book token and buy Bert some special ingredients for a black-eyed bean curry that he wants to try. I hope it lifts me out of this funk.

I will not buy wine. I will not buy wine. I will not...


  1. That "pain on the side of the head" indicates an affected nerve path. Many possibilities. A pinched nerve? A shingles-like virus? A lack of wine purchasing?

  2. Just glad I'm not getting a terminal illness diagnosis. (I always go there) I'll buy some wine today. Thanks for the comment and a Pretty Decent New Year to you and everyone you love.
