Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Litter Louts

Driving into Ballymena this morning I saw the driver of a beat-up old car throw litter from the window. I thought it disgraceful behaviour. Minutes later, driving through the town I witnessed the driver of a small van throw something out the window. Two litter louts in one morning? Disgusting. 

I was on my way to Antrim to meet Jazzer and because it was icy I was taking the dual carriageway rather than the back roads. Just off the Ballee roundabout, I was overtaken by a bright green BMW and happened to notice the well-coiffed blonde in the passenger seat. The next thing I saw was litter flying out of the driver's window. Enough was enough! I flashed the car. Moments later rubbish was simultaneously thrown from passenger and driver windows. I flashed the headlights again. The BMW sped up and I lost sight of it...

...until the approach to the Dunsilly roundabout. They were in the Belfast lane and I was heading towards Antrim. I drew level and glanced at the driver, a well-dressed man not that far away from my own age. He looked straight ahead. This man and his woman friend did themselves and their ilk no favour this morning for, as from now on, should I see a signal green BMW I am going to assume that the person driving it is a complete arse.

And just so y'all know that I know, flashing one's headlights in such circumstances is, according to the Highway Code, inadvisable as it may confuse other drivers. Yet I will do it at times - at fellow van drivers if there is a mobile speed-trap parked on the outskirts of Cullybackey and often to allow large vehicles such as lorries or buses to get through tight parts of town and village traffic. I particularly love it when the lorry drivers give me a blast of the air horn in acknowledgement. Even a friendly wave can make my day.

1 comment:

  1. That littering is disgusting. Seamus would turn in his grave. Keep blasting them!
