Sunday, March 27, 2022

Ten Things I Did on Mother's Day

 I woke up worrying about the Antarctic Ice Shelf, then decided that my fretting about it would not help.

Listened to the dawn chorus and estimated that there must be at least a thousand birds living nearby. Sounded like it anyway.

I thought about my own mother.

I sowed lots of vegetable seeds.

And entertained two adopted sons and a girlfriend. Received a Mother’s Day gift from Locky.

Participated in the naming of the most recent calf born on this farm. He is to be called Sparrow.

Spoke to my Katkin from Norfolk. She has had a bout of Covid. That’s all of my children have had it now.

Pondered my tendency to feel guilty about everything.

Did lots of knitting.

Did lots of weeding.


  1. Sounds like you're doing well. I sowed lots of tomatoes seeds. I got tired of waiting for them to sprout and bought plants and planted them. Now, I have plants and seedlings. I think about and miss my mother everyday.

  2. I shall buy plants too. Who knows how those seeds will do. Our mothers are always on our minds. No one ever loves you like a mother.

  3. Sounds like a pretty good day.
