Sunday, April 03, 2022

Day Out In Derry 2/2022

A few weeks back Jazzer and I took a day out in Derry. The main reason for our visit was to visit the Museum of Free Derry. I was also on the lookout for a craft shop where I hoped to acquire some lovely new knitting yarn. Somehow we managed not to find it.

On Wednesday last I decided to try again. Up early, chores all done and was wearing an actual dress, nice wee boots and some red tights as I stood by the door waiting for a lift to the train. Bert said,

Doesn't take you long to get ready for a day out in Derry.

I waited for the compliment that was sure to follow.


When are you going to get your hair cut?

I was raging. 

It's true that a visit to Rhonda was well overdue. But that was not what I needed to hear. It's not as if I could do anything about it at that point. I made my feelings on the subject very clear and he was contrite. As we parted at the station I told him that I'd have forgotten his careless comment by the time I got to Ballymoney. This wasn't entirely true but it made him feel a little better.

Where devout Derry people get their holy statues, holy pictures and rosary beads. It seems to have survived lockdown. I can't imagine that such items of holiness would be considered essential. Maybe I'm wrong.

 Flowering currant in the grounds of St Columb's Cathedral.

Jackdaw on Derry's Walls

St Augustine's Church on Derry's Walls. This is a beautiful little church but, unfortunately, it was closed the day I was there. I would have liked to get a closer look at the glorious magnolia by the door.

There was a selection of painted garden benches outside The Yellow Yard. I liked the pastel stripes but couldn't have got it on the train. 

I did find that craft shop and it was a big disappointment. The one in Ballymena is miles better.

And two days later I managed to make it to Rhonda's to get the whin bush sorted. Bert paid.


  1. That Bert paid is only right. So sorry the craft shop wasn't up to par. The Spring photos were worth the trip tho.

  2. It is always good to get away for a bit, even if it's only a day trip. You know that! Good to come home too.
