Monday, November 21, 2022

Diary Entry #4

 I got Wordle in two goes today, with a little help from my friends, specifically Catherine from NZ. They are so ahead of us in time. When the end times come the McGuckin cousins will be raptured up to heaven before we Nordies even know what's happening. Enz ways - I went for ADIEU, got the A and the I exactly where they were needed and made an educated guess.

And also, today, applied the Jazzer method to my housework routine and had all redd up in two hours. Spent the afternoon being very bored as Bert was out at a dental appointment. Somehow the kitten, despite being under strict orders to stay in the damn crate, got out, got hold of Bert's dental plate and skited it about the floor til she broke it.

It was cold today, so put the central heating on for one hour and made macaroni cheese for supper.

Later, out of sheer boredom, bought two pre-loved books from eBay, one a recommendation from Ganching and one other.   


  1. London Sister11:59 am

    trying this out on laptop

  2. London Sister12:01 pm

    seems to work, on the phone i dont get the "i am not a robot" bit so cant prove i am not - maybe this is impacting other followers as well?
