Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Freedom and Independence


Here's me and who is like me?

Off to Cookstown today for what we hoped would be Pippin's final post-op visit. And it was! Bogdan pronounced her to be doing well and said that strict cage rest was no longer needed. In fact, what Pippin needs now is lots of indoor running around to build up the muscle in her injured leg. Bogdan assured us that her limp would disappear as the leg strengthens.

The first thing she did when she got home was playfight with Fred, and then they both went upstairs to nap on Bert's bed.

And that was our news. In other news, I was sorry to hear that Wilko Johnson died. But not sorry to hear that the Supreme Court has decided that Scotland cannot legally hold an independence referendum. Not sorry because I think it will harden Scotland's resolve. Hopefully, the next GE will show that. 

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