Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Feeding the Family


Zoe got back on the plot today. There wasn't that much to do in the polytunnel so she started planting native trees on the cleared areas where Bert was cutting down the larch. 

Then it was six o'clock and time for supper. I made cottage pie with sponge and custard to follow. The girls refused kale. The adults chewed it purposefully (it was a tad tough) whilst commenting on all the health benefits we expected. Whatever it is those girls are eating, or not eating they are both half a head taller than me. And only half as wide.

I'm probably cancelling out all the goodness of the kale as I sit here drinking a Portuguese red.  But - I'm home alone, Bert is off gipsy jazzing with Les. Don't judge us.

Spring is well on its way. The witch hazel is almost over, the croci are beginning and tomorrow Jazzer and I are going to the zoo. Probably for the last time in my life. I need to say goodbye to the gorillas.

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