Wednesday, February 22, 2023

I Go To The Zoo With Jazzer

Jazzer and I have been friends for around thirty years. The first time we met was at Ghillies Bar near Cullybackey where her husband (Banjo Man) had a regular Thursday night gig as part of a Folk/Americana duo called Rustic Reality.  The guys had been to a couple of parties at our house and Jazzer has since told me that they had made so much of Nellybert that she was already prepared to dislike us - especially me. That first meeting happened and I wasn't what she expected, any more than she was what I expected. I was nearly forty, she was mid-twenties and we clicked, we clicked fast. Friends now for thirty years. Sometimes she annoys me, and sometimes I annoy her but the friendship is fast. We love each other. 

I said to her today,

When we first met, if someone had said to you, in thirty years' time when I'm almost 70 and we have eight grandchildren between us, that we'd go to the zoo on our own, with no one to hinder us and we'd have the best time. What would you have thought?

And she said,

I'd have thought that was crazy.

And I would have thought that too.

As always, the gorillas were my favourite place to be but no photographs. The place they live does not lend itself to pictures. I don't mind that.

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