Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Old and the Young


Spot the odd one out

It seems such a short time since Judy and the pigs were new. All of them reach their teens this summer, which is old for dogs and pigs. Jess is coming eleven so she's not so far behind them while Fred, the oldest of all will soon be fifteen.  Nellybert are feeling a bit creaky too but at least we have Pippin, young and lively and doing well despite her awful accident.

Now, it might be a crazy idea but Pippin won't be the baba of the house for much longer as Nellybert are getting a PUPPY! The pigs won't care, Judy will be stoical, Fred will be mildly put out, Jess will hate it and Pippin? Pippin will be thrilled. Somebody new to play with.


  1. Oh, it is. But tonight we realised that something is up with Jess (10) and she will need to see the vet tomorrow. Really hoping she will be ok.
