Saturday, March 11, 2023

Knitting Update

Swisser's jumper is beginning to take shape. As always, the knitting journey has its ups and downs. The beginning is fun, colours are to be decided, and expectations are high.

Then the doubts creep in. Was it a mistake to have those two lime greens so close together? Never mind. It's yet another experiment - keep going. At this stage, it wasn't even Swisser's jumper. She was just the person I had in mind.

I spent an evening knitting the sleeve on the right but even Bert could see that it was too wide. I started again with the sleeve on the left, with far fewer stitches to begin with (48) and a graduated increase to 72 stitches. 

Swisser called, I showed her my progress and asked her if she liked it. She did! I said,

That's good because I'm knitting it for you.

I posted a small jumper to Kerry this morning but seem to have overlooked taking a photograph. Hopefully, it will arrive and the child won't be too big for it and perhaps if it fits him I might get a picture of him modelling it - hint, hint.  Anyway, in the absence of a picture of my great-nephew's handknit here is a picture of his mother wearing one of my earlier creations. 

I didn't knit her Dad's jumper although it is very fine. And looking at this photo I am reminded that I promised him a stripey hat more than a year ago.

Anyway, back to Swisser's jumper. I must get it finished soon as she will be needing it for that unheated cottage she's buying in Leitrim.

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