Friday, March 10, 2023

Snow Day

I woke up to several inches of snow this morning, and it all looked rather fine. My pictures were taken just before 7am as that is the time our cats, Pippin and Fred think I should arise from my cosy bed and feed them. 

I don't mind as it gives the slack-bladdered dogs an opportunity to take a morning pee. Any later and they'll go in the bathroom. And that would be the bathroom floor. 

It's wonderful what a good fall of snow does to take the rough look of the yard and garden.

The third and fourth things I do of a morning is have a coffee and a catch up on the news. This morning I read that a lot of schools had closed down. There was a list. Martha and Evie's schools were not on the list. I felt sad for them. 

Then off back to bed with my coffee and a read of these three books. I love snow days.

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