Monday, August 28, 2023

The Day After The Wedding


First of all, we had the best day at the wedding. Beautiful bride, handsome groom, prettiest flower girls, cutest attendants, great speeches, tears of joy, poignant moments, happy guests, super venue, delicious food, flowing drinks. Bert said it was the best wedding ever which, if you know Bert, is high praise indeed.

Then tonight we had a family gathering at my youngest brother's home. I was looking forward to it as I didn't get the opportunity to have an in-depth convo with all the siblings. And guess what? It also turned out to be a surprise party for me! And I genuinely did not expect it. It's 12 whole days before I turn seventy. But when I do five of the sibs will be in far-flung places so they took an opportunity. 

This is a picture of all of us in order of age, me being the oldest and Joe at the other end, the youngest. The surprise had not been sprung when the picture was taken. If I look chuffed there, imagine what I looked like a bit later on.

By the way, I love that Ziggy (bless) photo-bombed the picture. 

Apparently, I should have taken the photograph before I blew out the candles. And speaking of blowing out candles I had to ask for assistance from Martha and Evie. They have so much more puff than me. Thanks girls and thanks be for my lovely sisters and brothers.


  1. Anonymous9:10 pm

    Lovely, you are a lucky person.

  2. Anonymous10:03 am

    Happy Birthday Mary.

  3. Anonymous10:04 am

    Your anonymous cousin Martin.

  4. Thank you, Martin. Much appreciated.
