Wednesday, September 06, 2023



We are now down to three hens and one rooster. I went to feed the hens this morning and found one lying stiff and cold. It was a surprise as she had seemed fine the previous day. Looking back at my blog to discover how old she was I saw that we'd called her Elderberry when she was a chick. That was seven years ago and I'd totally forgotten she had a name. I always called her the White Hen.

It's like when Bert's mum died and Martha, very young at the time, said,

Shall we get another old woman and call her Pearlie? 

I always thought that was sweet for it showed that Martha thought that Pearlie was a good person to have had around.

I shall have to get myself another white hen and call her Elderberry.


  1. London Sister1:00 am

    Sorry about your white hen, but maybe more replaceable than a motherin law?

  2. Anonymous6:45 am

    Sweet little Martha, children have lots of common sense and little malice.

  3. Anon- that is so true. I reminded her today (she is nearly 14 now) and she said,

    I don't remember saying it but it is like something I would say.

    She knows herself.
