Wednesday, September 13, 2023

A World Without Ziggy

 27th August- 8th September 2023

We had a wedding, a big family get-together, a funeral, two birthdays and then - Ziggy died.

He'd been diagnosed with heart failure one month previously. Tests showed his heart to be massively enlarged. He rallied with his initial treatment but it didn't last. He wasn't in pain but he was stressed and uncomfortable and things weren't going to get any better. Hannah made the decision that it would be unkind to try and prolong his life. 

Ziggy was a smashing wee dog, so full of character. He had many friends. But Hannah was his number one, and he was hers. We will all miss that little fellow, the Zigster, Zigatron, Wiggler, the best boy there ever was. 


  1. Anonymous12:45 am

    Very sad news, little dogs with big personalities are the best ❤️ to Hannah

  2. London Sister10:14 am

    Lovely post and photos - sorry for the loss of Ziggy

  3. Thank you, anon. Ziggy was a very special dog, once met, never forgotten.

  4. Thanks LS, we feel his loss very sharply, hence the title.

  5. Anonymous6:09 pm

    Sorry about wee Ziggy best boy ever xx.joe

  6. Thanks Joe. He was a good wee soul, and always got on well with everyone, human, cat or fellow doggy.

  7. I'm so sorry. Such a cutie. It's always so hard, isn't it?

  8. So sorry to hear this. He was certainly a happy wee dog.

  9. He was Eleanor, Very loved by Hannah and us all.
