Wednesday, November 01, 2023

What I Did On My Holidays, Day 1

Miss Emily (as Wednesday Adams) and Katkin

Monday, 23rd October - It was London Sister’s birthday. I sent her a message on the family WhatsApp and would be seeing her on Friday. Left the house early to catch my Stansted flight. Bert drove me to the airport and foolishly did not bring the necessary coins to get out of it afterwards. There was a big hold and he was helped by a kind woman who gave him the money he needed. She refused his five-pound note and told him he could pay it forward. I will need to remind him about that.

Katy and Emily met me at the airport. It’s a long enough journey from Stansted to Fakenham so we stopped off for lunch which Emily was very pleased about. Unfortunately, James was less pleased about the time we spent getting there. I met the most recent members of my Norfolk family, Otie the spaniel and Houdini the big tabby cat.

My son-in-law made us a delicious chicken and roast veggie dinner and after telly, family time and retiring I finished my Eva Ibbotson and began my Beryl Bainbridge. Somehow I managed to lock myself (and Otie) into the bedroom and had to bang the door to be let out. Most embarrassing.

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