Thursday, November 02, 2023

What I Did On My Holidays, Days 2 and 3


Norfolk was wetter than I've ever seen it but we didn't let that deter us. On Tuesday we went bowling. It's been decades since I last entered a bowling alley. In fact, I believe the last time I was in one all the folk I was with have since died. Except one.

Bowling started well. James was first on and immediately got a strike. After that things deteriorated somewhat and at the last Katy was playing on her own. She managed three strikes but no one was there to cheer her on. I'd have been delighted for her but was on Granny duty. The next stop was Pensthorpe. It was much too wet to appreciate the garden although the wildfowl were enjoying the weather. We went straight to Hootz House, the indoor play area. We didn't stay long as James wasn't feeling it - mid-term break, far too crowded and noisy.

Wednesday's weather was slightly better but still rather damp. We went to Holkham Beach. There were lots of people there but because it's so big it didn't feel crowded. Perfect for James.


He loves the water. Despite his wet weather clothing and Wellington boots, he managed to get completely saturated. Which he barely noticed until he returned to the car where, sensibly, Katy had dry clothes waiting for him.

Emily is more of a sand and beach girl and would have stayed dry if it hadn't been for the fast tide. A channel we were able to wade through ankle-deep was, around an hour later, thigh-high. I got soaked on the return as did Katy who needed to carry Emily over.  James just splashed through it all completely unconcerned.

I read that Holkham Beach was a favoured spot for Queen Elizabeth to walk her corgis. She could do so relatively unnoticed as she had the use of a private entrance to the beach thanks to the local landowner, Lord Leicester. 

So, next time I'm in Norfolk I will return to Holkham Beach and hopefully, in finer weather. I'll go to Pensthorpe too but not Hootz House.


  1. Katkin9:47 pm

    I will definitely make note of the high tide on all future trips to Holkham. Our boots have only just dried out.
    I was caught out like a holiday maker 🙄. I thought I was a local north coast Norfolk resident.

  2. London Sister12:52 am

    You have all lived to tell the tale!
