Monday, January 30, 2023

Belfast Then and Now

Last week, while in Belfast I took a walk from Yorkgate station to Carlisle Circus then, after the exhibition, from Carlisle Circus to the Linenhall Library. I was most comfortably shod in my new Blundstone boots so the walking was a pleasure despite my achey hip and knee.

The first part of the walk took me past the memorial to the McGurk's Bar bombing in 1971. The pub was blown to pieces and fifteen people died. That was one of the many atrocities that took years and years to get through to me.*

I passed near Gresham Street and thought of all the times I hitched to Belfast when I should have been at school, making my way to Smithfield Market and Harry Hall’s second-hand bookshop. Ages were spent in there choosing Penguins and Pans some of which are still on my bookshelves today. Pocket money gone, I’d begin the trek from Smithfield to the Antrim Road where I’d thumb a lift just in time to catch the school bus from Antrim, back home and the parents never had a notion. Imagine taking rides with strangers in the 21st Century, now that we are led to believe that every other person is a predator. Although, I do think that most of the people who gave me lifts back then were probably protecting me from the bad actors.

Sixteen-year-old me would have been lugging a satchel stuffed full of Steinbecks from Harry Hall's. Nowadays me bought one solitary book - May the Lord in His Mercy be Kind to Belfast, by Tony Parker. I had a copy years ago and wanted to read it again. 

*During the early years of the conflict there would be times when I would not be fully aware of what was going on. In 1971 the violence escalated and it peaked in 1972. The ‘News’ became unbearable and truth was in short supply.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience

 Back in November I booked myself a ticket for the Van Gogh exhibition in Belfast.

Christmas happened, then Covid 19 happened and about a week after that I thought to myself,

Really must find out when this event is taking place. Maybe the 17th?

So I checked out my booking and guess what? It was happening in two hours' time. I’d got my Van Gogh mixed up with my Emily’s birthday. Obviously, I didn’t go. Instead, I booked another ticket.

My new slot was at 10am today so it was an early start. I took the train to Yorkgate and walked to Carlisle Circus. But I was still too early. There is not a lot going on there. Not even a coffee shop! So I went for a walk. When I got back to the venue there was a small queue where almost everyone waiting was eligible for the bus pass.

The event was described as an immersive experience; I wasn’t sure what that would mean. It wasn’t quite what I imagined but then I’d imagined a dream. Despite having been to the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam a few years ago I learned more about the artist today than I ever knew.

The immersive part of the exhibit was wonderful, the only downside being that it was cold, cold, cold. We had fleecy blankets but they weren’t enough to keep us from freezing. It would have been much better if it had been warmer and our experience would have transcended perfection if we’d been offered some hot tea with a pinch or two of magic mushrooms. The only downside about that would have been the decanting onto Carlisle Circus of several dozen tripping elders. It is to be hoped that the few young couples present with infants would have declined the offer of hallucinogenics.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Return to the Redshank Lawn


This post was written over 10 years ago and harks back to the late 1970s.

The bambino rolling around in a bed of persicaria maculosa (redshank) is now a professional gardener. Yet the first garden she ever knew consisted mainly of redshank!

redshank, originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
I moved to Drumtara in 1978. The house was newly built and I was its first tenant. Reader, I had nothing!

Well - I had a child, another on the way, several hundred books, a bed, a toybox full of toys (but that wasn't mine) and a couple of chairs.

Word soon got out that I was in need of household effects and furnishings and friends rallied around to help. I soon had more furniture and bits and pieces than I needed. I never said no and that is a habit I have to this very day.

The house sorted, I began on the garden. I'd never had my own garden before and I was very excited. With help from my father, I began to create a lawn for the children to play on. It was hard work breaking the soil, getting the stones and builder's rubble out and raking and finishing. At last, Daddy pronounced it ready for sowing and gave me a plastic bag of grass seed. I scattered, sowed and waited with mounting anticipation.

It wasn't long before the first green shoots appeared. At first, it was only a light green haze but as the days progressed it became greener and greener. My father came to look at it. There were a lot of areas where the seed hadn't taken. He said, "Don't worry. They'll fill in."

The grass continued to grow. It actually started to look quite lush. Except... except it didn't really look like grass. Daddy said, "Redshank." I was very disappointed. My first attempt at sowing a lawn and I had created a weed patch. A lush and green weed patch but a weed patch all the same. I asked my father what I should do. He said, "Just cut them back, don't let them flower, the grass will come through."

I didn't even have garden shears so I tackled my weed patch with the kitchen scissors. It took a long time and I got blisters. But the grass came through just like Daddy said. Of course, the kitchen scissors proved impractical when that needed cutting and I acquired garden shears from somewhere and used them to keep the grass in check. To tell the truth, it was never much of a lawn but it was good enough for my children to play on.

Nowadays I have a lawn and a ride-on mower and a man to cut the grass for me. It's not the best lawn in the world but it's certainly good enough for my grandchildren to play on.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Semi Flimsy Ivies


Summer-born Pippin has taken a while to get used to the cooler weather, but now that the snow is here she cannot be kept indoors. She has fallen in love with her winter wonderland.

It's my youngest granddaughter's fifth birthday today and I've been thinking about her all day, wishing she could be here to build a snowman (or snowcat) and play with Pippin. I did get to speak with Emily on the phone this evening which was lovely.

If all goes according to plan both Emily and her brother James will be here next Easter holidays. Something for me to look forward to. I shall knit her a girly cardigan all pink stripes and embroidered flowers. There is no point in knitting James anything. He doesn't care about clothes. All he wants is a Tesla car. A proper one as Santa Claus did not oblige.

James and Emily

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Lunch With Martha

Another day out in which I realise that my brush with coronavirus has thoroughly depleted my energy. Thankfully, my oldest grandchild is very understanding. We lunched at Bob & Bert's (Martha's second choice as Middletown was packed) and it was good.  Then on to the shops. We browsed Cameron's, H&M and TK Maxx and bought nothing. The charity shops offered more interesting and affordable choices. I bought a thermal vest and a Barbara Kingsolver and Martha bought denim dungarees, a bright yellow raincoat and a slinky dress which I didn't really approve of but hey-ho at her age it's all about experimentation, isn't it. She can take it back if it's not right for her.

I wore my new Blundstone boots and felt rather good in them. On the way back Martha (who was walking backwards) said,

Hey Granny! I'm walking backwards and I'm still walking faster than you!

I said, 

Of course, you are. I'm nearly 70. You're lucky I'm walking at all.

That led to a conversation about how long I intended to live. I sensed that optimism was called for. I said I was aiming for 95 or thereabouts and that seemed to please her.

Isn't it odd that a conversation about mortality should warm the cockles of my heart so? For I know that at her age a quarter of a century hence must seem like a fantastical leap into the future. I'll do my best to live until then but if I don't I'm sure she'll be fine.

Tonight she is playing the ukelele at her school's open night.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Small World

So, the Openreach engineer came today instead of tomorrow and was here for around three hours.

During that time I discovered that he had played Gaelic football with my cousin Ann's son

And that he had been taught by another two of my cousins.

That he had dated another cousin's daughter.

His wife worked in a pharmacy that had once been a pub belonging to my uncle.

He was in the same cycling club as my cousin John's son.

And he also restored our broadband connection. 

Sunday, January 08, 2023

Just Saying...

 At nine o'clock tonight Bert and I watched Happy Valley. The truth is I'm all Harried out.

It's just past ten now, I have switched on my electric blanket and very soon I will be going to bed with Elizabeth Jane Howard.

Tomorrow I should  receive a phone call from Noora at British Telecom. She is a good person but I do not expect anything to come from the call. I will not tell Noora that Bert has threatened to take a shotgun to the telecoms box up the road and blast it full of lead because, and I quote him,

Then everybody's internet will be fucked and they'll have to send an engineer.

He definitely won't be doing that. It's just crazy talk.

Friday, January 06, 2023


Our recent bout of Covid was a lot harder on Bert, most likely because he had not availed himself of a booster jab. While I got over the worst of it in a couple of days he spent three days in bed with a fever and, when he eventually made it downstairs he was weak as a kitten and a pathetic-looking sight.  

Actually, I don't know why people say 'as weak as a kitten' for if Pippin is anything to go by, kittens are as tough as old boots. Anyway, Bert was most intrigued to hear that he was looking peely-wally* as he enjoys any kind of attention and off he went to check himself out in the mirror.

Aye, he remarked 

I am looking a bit cattered.

I say,

Cattered! What do you mean? I've never heard you say that before.

I say it all the time. 

You do not! That's not even a word. You're making that up.

It is definitely a word.

I don't believe you.

Where's the book?

Where it always is.

He fetches it and lo and behold **cattered really is an Ulster-Scots word.

The book was a present from my sister 26 years ago and it is much used in this house. 

*Peely-wally adjective pale and sickly-looking. [Scots, origin unknown.] Concise Ulster Dictionary, p 249

**Cattered  adjective unhealthy-looking[Cf Scots cuiter "to pamper because of ill-health".] Concise Ulster Dictionary, p 57

Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Where's My Engineer?

Two weeks and two days now since I first reported our broadband down. Three appointments with BT Openreach engineers since the broadband went down. The first was a charming chap who turned up bang on time on the Thursday before Christmas. He said it was too foggy to go 'on the road' to fix the fault and advised me to upgrade to Fibre2 and then, probably, they'd sort it between Christmas and the New Year. I thought I had already upgraded but it turns out not as my 'box wasn't big enough' and no one informed me of this as they had sent the sad news to an email address that wasn't mine. I do remember saying to Bert that I saw little improvement with the new package. Little wonder, as we hadn't received it.

I lost count of the number of call-centre staff I've spoken to since but it must be in the high teens. The most obnoxious was English Chris and the nicest Scottish Joan. The most entertaining was Mr Cussalot who was working from home (I could hear his children shrieking in the background). If Cussalot said 'Jesus Christ' once he said it half a dozen times. I have a suspicion he wasn't a Christian. I didn't mind for neither am I but he'd be in trouble if it had been Jeffrey or Arlene phoning him.

The second and third engineers? No clue - they didn't turn up. The latest no-show being today.

We have two mini hubs, one for Hannah, and one for us. I had book 4 of the Cazalet Chronicles delivered today, we are both feeling a lot better although still testing positive and I've got to hit publish on this soon as Bert is waiting impatiently for Happy Valley, Series 3, Episode 1. I sat him down in front of Series 1 on Tuesday and we have ripped through 1 and 2 in three days. He's hooked. I've seen them all before but it was quite a while ago.  

Not An Openreach Engineer. If Only... 

Sunday, January 01, 2023

New Year's Day


It seems churlish not to post on the first day of a New Year even if I have nothing much to write about other than Covid19 and the intermittent internet coverage provided by a BT mini hub. My review? The mini hub is not all it's cracked up to be.

Coronavirus update - three more guests from our Boxing Day soiree have tested positive. One thing I never expected to be doing last year was hosting a superspreader event but *shrugs* hey-ho.

Sense of proportion time. Here in Springhill, our woes are very small compared to some and I intend to begin the New Year feeling gratitude for the love and companionship of friends and family.

Wishing a Happy New Year to all who visit Nelly's Garden.