Friday, July 30, 2010
A Room Of My Own
And we'll pee in the trees.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sometime in the 1930s

I love the photograph because it is so informal, because the children are wearing their everyday clothes and because of the little calf. They were farm kids after all. I also love the fact that both children's faces are so familiar to me because they resemble so many other family members.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Happy Birthday Matty
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Shiny Man
So I parked the car on a wide verge and headed down this road. I was stepping out smartly plugged into Proust (I'm on 'The Captive' now) when a jeep stopped beside me. I took off the headphones thinking I'd be asked for directions and hoping I'd be up to the job. The shiny man in the shiny car said,
I hope you don't mind me asking but you're parked outside my house - can I ask what you're doing?
I was puzzled. Surely it was evident.
I'm walking. I'm going for a wee walk.
There's you and another lady who make a habit of parking outside my house. I just want to know what's going on?
I don't know about anyone else but I haven't walked on this road for over a year and the last time I parked there I had a different car. As I said I'm just going for a walk.
I glared at him as I said this and he drove off, turned in the next laneway and headed home-wards.
I was miffed and resolutely ignored him so I've no idea whether he ignored me as well. And that was that. I continued with my walk as planned, 20 minutes down the road and 20 minutes back. But I was pissed off. Thought he was a wanker, so precious about his house that he couldn't bear people parking near it. I wasn't blocking his access. I wasn't making it difficult for anyone to get past me. I was parked on a bloody verge that belonged to the DOE. Not him! Maybe he was one of those prissy types who cuts the grass on the road opposite his house in case it makes his property look untidy.
I told the tale later on at Matty's and it turns out one of my cousins knew who this man was. Not his name but his profession. He's a police officer. Clink! Penny drops. Ah well Mr Shiny Man. I'll forgive your intrusion on my wee lunchtime walk - even though you're not as bright as you're shiny.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Picture it. Yours truly is standing, waiting to be served, behind a tidy wee woman in the local shop (for local people.)
This wee tidy woman, neat in pressed trousers, an ironed blouse and a cropped pewter-grey haircut receives her change. She takes it, places the notes in the appropriate note part of her wallet. She puts the coins in the appropriate coin part of her wallet. She zips her wallet, she folds it over, she snaps it shut, she puts it in the appropriate part of her handbag, she zips her handbag, she folds it over, she snaps it shut. She takes her shopping, she leaves. I look daggers at her, I mutter, I wish her and her ironed blouse and her fat, beige bum, and her pewter hairdo dead and in her neat, well-kept grave.
I stand there with my newly-washed, still wet hair and my jeans that are covered in pig slabbers and mud and I buy my Sunday paper and my toilet roll and I hand over four pounds and receive five pence change which I stuff in the pocket of my pig-smeared jeans and I leave with a heart full of hate for the neat, well-pressed woman. And then I think…. I bet that woman hasn’t lost her debit card twice in the past month.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Walking the Dog (and the Pig and the Cat)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Strawberries For All

Bert said to me about ten days ago,
Blackbirds and squirrels are getting into the strawberries.
What! Didn't I tell you to put netting over them?
Netting'll not stop the squirrels.
Wee bastards. Can you not you kill them?
Kill them? How'd I do that then?
Shoot them.
I'd look well shooting at squirrels in the strawberry patch.
Trap them then.
Put sticky stuff down and their feet will stick to it.
And what do I do then?
Dash their brains out against a wall.
Humph! If you'd seen the wee young ones slippy-titting up the rows, grabbing themselves a big juicy strawb, running off, looking round to see if they're safe, then holding it between their wee front paws and getting stuck into it you'd think they were cute too.
Indeed I would not!
Many days later I emerged from the strawberry patch with another big bowl of fruit and said to Bert,
You know - there are enough strawberries for us and the pigs and the blackbirds and squirrels too.
I knew you'd come round to my way of thinking.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
As I was hefting my huge bag of groceries into the boot, giving all due consideration to my back, this wee shiny red R-plated car squealed into the car park on two side wheels. The driver roared her into a parking space with a great flourish and his front passenger opened the door and dumped a bag of McDonalds rubbish at his feet. I looked on with bemusement at the arrogance of the wee fucker and a bin only thirty seconds from where he sat. He and two of the back seat passengers got out and swaggered into the shop. I wondered what they were for buying? Probably not gherkins.
The thing is their car was shiny and clean. The chaps were well dressed in whatever boring fashionable duds dull and unimaginative fellows wear these days. Their hair was nicely cut and they were altogether shiny and clean. But inside they were dirty, filthy blackguards and obviously their parents have done a rotten job of bringing them up and I itched to go over and give the driver a good slap.
Did I? Of course not. I just drove off, munching on chocolate, in my utterly filthy car, whilst pondering this very blog post.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Pig Wrangling
We might have made a mistake giving our two strawberries. They go into a frenzy when they see them. It isn't that hard to have them sit before they get their juicy treat but then Rusty started to stand on his two hind legs and that looked very cute. But I shall have to put a stop to that. Imagine him doing it when he's full-grown - then losing his balance and falling on me. The wee brute has already bit my hand when the red-strawberry-mist was on him. More discipline, less strawberries from now on I think.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
I Want To Be Alone
Problem is my inner sanctum, otherwise known as my bedroom, is directly above Pearlie's room which was, of course, my previous inner sanctum. When I am in my bedroom I hear everything that is going on in her room be it her whining at Bert, hearty carer conversations, Deal Or No Deal or general multi-purpose whinging. So when Favourite Niece burst in this afternoon when I was resting up a spell after a night on Matty duties I got more than a little irritated. Which meant I got up in a pet and said that thing to Bert which the Favourite Niece overheard.
Humble Pie- it is so yummy, so nourishing, truly it is soul food and fit for a wretch like me.
Did I mention that nineteen different people where at our house yesterday, or that sometimes I have a strong urge to Go Garbo? It's not that easy when you live in Paddy's Market.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Joys of Beekeeping
Bert and I just cannot wait to get out there and do a hive inspection. It's a better way to spend the Twelfth than marching or rioting.
Brother Joe's take on the Belfast rioters?
Those boys would be more use between the shafts of a turf barrow!
But that's another post - The Joys of Turfcutting.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Talcum Storm
When I speak of the carers and use the words 'they' or 'them' I really mean 'she' and 'her' for it's really just one of them, maybe two.
Bert says I'm paranoid. Maybe I am.
This I do know. If 'she' worked in any half-decent residential home it would not be long before 'she' was standing in the manager's office.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Monday, July 05, 2010
If I Had An Ounce Of Sense...
My rest was disturbed last night at around two am by Holly de Cat defending her territory from a strange intruder. For a small cat she makes a big noise. Of course I tried to help her by throwing objects at the invader cat but I throw like a girl and my feeble attempts were enough to make a cat laugh and they sure did.
After that I just could not get back to sleep for worrying. And not about cats either. I worried about work and I fretted about Matty and I tossed and turned. Heard Hannah up and about at seven am (It was actually six am) and raced up to get in the shower before her as she spends a long time in there being a great deal more high maintenance than I am. Afterwards returned to bed wrapped in two big towels and woke up from a rather disturbing dream about going Sapphic with Amy Winehouse and my hair like a brillo pad. Really must condition.
Then I went to work which is a whole other story. I might tell it someday but not now, not here. Maybe some other time and some other blog. I haven't been this stressed since I was working in Spide City, trying to manage a hostel with residents engaging in the highest of high-risk behaviours and actually bloody dying on my watch....