Bert said to me last night,
I've started to eat everything I see when I'm weeding in that garden.
What do you mean? You nibble on radishes and stuff?
No. I eat greenfly.
What do they taste like?
If they're on lettuce they taste of lettuce and if they're on beans they taste of beans. I was going to have a feed of those caterpillars we found on the cabbages but I couldn't because Raymond was standing watching me.
Sure the hens won't even eat those. They're probably bitter.
Maybe. I'd like to try them.
Would you eat slugs?
No. I draw the line at slugs. Unless they were cooked.
Get Bert on I'm A celebrity... he'd show em. He'd eat anything.
It must be great when your good man is not a fussy eater. My friend's husband will only eat Chicken Dippers.
I want to see the video.
it doesn't suprise me...but photos please
mikey x
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