How quickly can you give me an appointment?
Let me see. How about two thirty this afternoon?
That would be great. How long will I have to wait for my new glasses?
Hmmm. Depends. All being well we should have them for you at four thirty.
And here endeth Specsavers free advertisement slot.
So it was that Matty and I changed our plans and headed off this evening to the Fair Hill Centre in Ballymena, rather than the Antrim Tesco. I tempted Matty with the promise of a hoke around Marks and Spencers. She likes Marks and Spencers.
As soon as we entered the doors I spotted the new Portfolio section that I'd read about in 'The Thoughtful Dresser'.
Says I, "Look mother. There's the new line aimed at oul dolls. We'll have to take a look at that."
"You go on ahead," says she, heading in the direction of Per Una. "Are you looking for something for Pearlie?."
So much for M&S putting Marie Helvin at the helm. And speaking of the ravishing Marie Helvin, she seems to have had a lot of work done. She looks like a different person these days.
See for yourself.

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