Saturday, December 12, 2009

One Degree of Separation or Touched By Greatness

We had a visitor this evening, a guy who has been in the music business for decades. We were talking about the great performers, He told us that he shared a stage with Dusty Springfield in the sixties Said she was only a tiny little thing.A tiny little thing with a great big voice.

The venue? St Mary's Hall, Glenavy. Imagine!


Brighid said...

ahhh, who is "a plastic surgery clinic named Candy"???

Nelly said...

No idea. As if we'd need plastic surgery!

Brighid said...

Too right, I've worked very hard for every wirnkle, err, laugh line I have. Besides dewlaps are all the rage with the barn crowd.

Tony Adams said...

As if any of us would surrender our faces to someone named Candy from Taiwan!
But like a train wreck, that website is calling to me.

Nelly said...

Sure you don't need plastic surgery, either of ye!