Friday, May 03, 2024

The Twelve, May 2024


It's been five years since I began reading multiple books simultaneously and, since then, I have read approximately 224 books. There may be a few I still need to record. To be honest, I've been slacking. That works out at less than four a month and at that rate, should I live to be eighty years old, I'll only be able to read another 448 books. Some of  which are yet to be written. Recommendations, please.

Hagseed is my favourite of the current batch, with the Michael Lewis and the McNamara a close second. The Sheri Fink I've been dragging through and the J.M. Coetzee (his first book) has been a struggle. I've just completed The Vietnam Project and will be moving on to The Murderous Boer (my words, not his). I've barely started the Feeney, the Chidgey and the Shafak. All three seem promising and, coincidentally, two of them feature magpies. 

The following is a list of the 224 books I've read or am currently reading. Only look at it if you can be bothered. I won't mind.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Chidgey’s ‘Pet’ is a great story too.

Nelly said...

Is Anon from the Antipodes? I'm flagging Pet anyway. I live for recommendations.

ganching said...

I see very few children's books on that list.

I've just finished Prophet's Song by Paul Lynch which is very good but requires quite a lot of concentration.

Nelly said...

Surely Eva Ibbotson books are all a bit childlike? I've recently read Paul Lynch too but seem to have left if off the list. I really liked it as did Bert.

ganching said...

I'm as much a nerd as you because I've just gone through your list and I've read 73 of these books. What I want to know is did you type that list or were you able to transfer it from somewhere?

Anonymous said...

Yes indeedy 🤣

Nelly said...

Ganching - I copied it from my dedicated spreadsheet of course. Since I published the photo of the 12 I have finished two of them. The Coetzee of which the second part was harrowing and fascinating. I did not expect to love the Michael Lewis but literally could not put it down.