Thursday, October 10, 2024

A Sad Day

This has been a very sad day for all of us at Springhill. One of our Kune Kune pigs, Lily, had to be euthanised tonight. These past few months we have seen her becoming weaker in her hindquarters. This morning she had her breakfast as normal and went to the fields to graze. She didn't return in the evening. Bert found her collapsed five minutes from home. She was halfway through her fifteenth year on earth. I don't know how Rusty will get on without her, tonight will be the first time in his life that he will sleep alone.


ganching said...

That is sad. Hope Rusty is OK.

Nelly said...

He's a bit lost tonight. I would worry that he won't be warm enough as they always slept close together. He got extra bedding and I might give him an old duvet when the weather gets colder.

Anonymous said...

I don’t doubt for a moment that Lily had a lovely life in your care but I’m sad for Rusty, for you and the family ❤️