I was summoned to court for jury duty on Monday along with many others. I was not among the chosen few and did not need to attend in person for the rest of the week, which was just as well because Kerry Sister was Up North for the week.
On Tuesday we visited most of the local charity shops, with the one in Ahoghill being, by far the best.
On Wednesday, we visited Belfast, where we explored the Ulster Museum, the Tropical Ravine, the Palm House, the charity shops on Botanic Avenue, the Linen Hall Library, and An Cultúrlann on the Falls Road. We walked everywhere and had a thoroughly enjoyable day.
Thursday, Friday - Kerry Sister made herself available to other family members, and I caught up on some house and garden chores. Thursday evening she called to my house and gave me a quick tutorial on the sewing machine that I've had for more than a decade but never used. Truth be told, I was scared of it. But not any more! Since that evening transformed a Monsoon dress into a skirt, a Laura Ashley one into a top and made myself some new PJ bottoms from an Ikea duvet cover. Looks like I've found a new hobby.
Then yesterday, KS and I popped into the Factory Craft Shop, where I bought new scissors and a stitch unpicker. I'll definitely be needing that!
What I thought would be a week filled with civic duties turned into a holiday instead - and I enjoyed every moment of it. More please!
Tomorrow is a bank holiday, St Patrick's Day so no court. Instead I'll go grocery shopping with Vee and I'll take a wee juke into the Factory Craft Shop. I need new blades for my rotary cutters. It seems if they are not used for five years (or more) they go blunt. Then I should be able to complete the patchwork quilt I started all those years ago.
I will be in court again on Tuesday. Hope I'm not picked.
Hand-sewn quilt top made from Pearlie's aprons. I'll be finishing it on my not-so-scary-now electric sewing machine.
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