Anybody know what those initials stand for? Answers on a postcard please. Asterisk use will be accepted. The first correct answer will receive a prize of an enamelled lapel pin featuring "the sore hand of Ulster" in this season's fashionable aquamarine. The second prize is a tattoo of the "sore hand" and the third two tattoos....
FTP - I guess this is not File Transfer Protocol, So I'll go with F**K The Pope.
FAT - I guess is not File Allocatiopn Table. So I'll go with F**K All Taigs.
I have also spotted a lot of ACAB written on the walls round my part of the world, apparently this is All Cops Are Bastards.
I hope this is useful.
The geeks might say
File Transfer Protocol
File Allocation Table
so they might, but they are geeks, and should be avoided.
Tis too early in the morning for me to think on that. And do we read it traditionally left-to-right, or as they intendeded it, up-and-down.
Fianna Fail To Attack Portadown Town?
Feel Free To Abolish Parliment, Tony?
Damn, Andy got in there while I was typing. *sigh*
Andy wins the enamel badge!
Great effort Marc. You win the tattoo. Ouchy! And see - it's because you're so long-winded that you only got the second prize.
Could it have been another group of Angry Young Men wrote FTP?
Fianna Fail To Attack Portadown Town?
I'm not a member of FF, but could I be part of this attack? I'll bring my own artillery...
Hola Nelly--
It stand for "Find the Pope."
False Pope Bendedinck will not last long when even loyalists are demanding return of real pope John Paul #2.
Spread the word!
The artist in question ran out of vertical space, it's one acronym FTPFAT which stands for 'Find the Pope Four Arabic Terrorists', which I think is so he can go 12 rounds in a no holds barred bare knuckle fist fight. Because he's into that sort of thing.
What do you make of the inverted swastika motif on the spare J&R Keys floor tile that has been propped 'carelessly' against the gate
Sure everyone knows the prads are nazis.
...maybe they just couldn't spell Sir and hair correctly "No Sir Red Hair" and it's nothing at all to do with the Poep Powp Poep - how d'ya spell dat? The blue hand might be something to do with the Conservative party, another new logo perhaps;-)
I'm just sad that Blogger Beta ate my comments. Maybe it's just as well, since I'd rather not have to start checking under my car before I go to work in the mornings.
Now now you cynical peoples. Clearly the artistes in question are trying to fight the FAT, which in this day and age of obesity, can't be a bad thing.
We shall never Forgo The (blue sky) Pies of Ulster for the grey misty clouds of a Fat Arses Together dieting club. Never.
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