Of course it was raining, which didn't help his mood. It was only a fine mizzle but Bert didn't like the look of it. He's like a cat - hates getting wet.
How come when Clint had Gorgeous in, it never rained?
Because Clint's a good man who says his prayers every night.
The orchard has been a bit of a disaster area for some time now. When we were having this house renovated all the rubble ended up in it and since then Clint's been dumping stuff there as well. When you climb over the rubble there are two poxy apple trees then there's a low bit with six foot nettles. It's a bit of a wild life haven - mostly rabbits with myxomatosis so hardly worth preserving. It has to go!
Gorgeous arrived bright and early and I headed off to work leaving them to it.
At lunchtime I set off for a brisk walk to the graveyard. When I'm working I try to walk for at least half an hour every day. As I've said before the village hasn't many good walks. And you have to watch your step as it's the dogshit capital of the borough.
Home again and I take a few minutes to watch 'Gorgeous' at his work. As I remarked to Bert, that man is an artist with a digging bucket.
Then I went out for a bike ride and managed to ride up one of the hills! So pleased.
You'll be cycling up Slemish next week. ;)
Nelly You never called for coffee. Did you know I moved?
cock fighting is disgusting and i agree even as someone who'd anti oransied religion i see it as disrespectful! yuck.
Ride up Slemish? My bike's not that good. Nor, come to think of it, am I.
Your new home is very nice Grannymar. I've made a note of it.
Toast - I totally agree. With both your points.
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