Friday, August 22, 2008

What Will I Do Now?

Bloody flipping blasted Hell!

Scrabulous has gone away from Facebook again!

It's the only decent app. on there!

It's the only reason I ever go on Facebook...

And I started my last game with Mr Bolan on a bingo!

Damn and fuck and blast!!!

What will I do now? I suppose I could weed the vegetable garden or go for a really long walk or clear out the attic. I'd rather play Scrabulous.


Janet said...

Now, now, now! As a newlywed you shouldn't have to ask for suggestions of what to do now that Scrabulous is defunct. And it won't even require any Hail Mary's now that you're legal - lol!!

Anonymous said...

And I would have replied with a super-bingo. Probably...

Nelly said...
