Monday, September 09, 2024

Birthday Present

As a birthday present to myself I finally got around to sorting out online banking - hopefully third time lucky. I was ever so thrilled about it, especially as the lovely person in Halifax wished me a Happy Birthday when she was checking my details. 

I was somewhat less thrilled when I got home, logged on and found that I am paying a monthly sub to Amazon Prime and another one! I cannot get to the bottom of it despite contacting Amazon Customer Service which is probably a bot.

After getting online banking I thought  I'd never have to go into the actual bank ever again but now it looks like I'll be back on Wednesday to see if they can enlighten me about the double Prime payment. 

Another thing about online banking is that there seem to be mysterious outlets where I spend shed loads of money. One was THEFIRTRE where, in recent weeks,  I appear to have splashed out £106 and some pence. I'm pretty certain I wasn't out the door on that particular day so it was concerning. My banking app can tell me what kind of outlet THEFIRTRE was and, according to it, this is misc food store, conv store, market, speciality store and vending machines and as Google Maps would have it, situated under the railway bridge on the Galgorm Road in Ballymena. I imagined some vast emporium selling everything from speciality cheeses to vintage delpht and I definitely couldn't remember being anywhere like that, never mind spending over a hundred quid in it.

Eventually, it dawned upon me. Google Maps had it wrong. It wasn't Ballymena - it was a tiny petrol station on the road to Kilrea and I'd given Bert my card to fill the Jeep. Of course, he'd bought sweets and biscuits as well, so little wonder he'd spent so much.

This is why, from now on, I must start using this blog as an aide memoire/diary even if that means it becomes a little tedious for you, Dear Reader. I may even have to give it a new title. Nelly's Garden may become Nelly's Decline. 

Anyway, here's a photograph to cheer us all up.

Did I mention it's my birthday?


Susannah said...

Wishing you a very happy birthday! Very cute photo of the pups.

Anonymous said...

What a super cute pic!