Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Bert Got A Pfizer

We had an early phone call yesterday. It had just turned 9am. Early? Of course, it's early for Nellybert do not keep office hours. Now, I could well be up an hour or more at 9am, but that is my time. Not a time to be taking calls intended for Bert who will be lying in his pit for at least another hour. I brought the phone to him.

An hour or so later he came to me saying,

When will I be getting my Covid jab?

How should I know?

It's just that Liam there was telling me that he's got his and he's a couple of years younger than me.

Is he? You wouldn't think it to look at him. Wait 'til I check the NHS website.

Which I do and see that Bert's age group is being invited to book a test. Did I ever mention that he's six years younger than me? Although you wouldn't think it to look at him.

But the PC wouldn't allow me to book his test. I tried again, and again. Then I tried doing it on my phone and was able to start the booking. But the screen was too small and I kept pressing the wrong button which sent me back to the beginning.

I shared my experience on Twitter and Facebook. Twitter ignored me but Facebook was lovely and helpful. I got a phone number to call to make a telephone booking. It took ages to answer and when I was offered the options I foolishly chose the one where I had to listen to the privacy policy. At about eight minutes in I couldn't bear it any longer and discontinued the call. Tried again. This time it took even longer to answer and when it did I was immediately cut off.

Then I went to the Spar for a few bits for supper and spent £30. How did that happen? Oh yes. I was also replenishing the baking cupboard.

When I got back I tried booking on the PC again. Same result. I wondered if it was something to do with cookie files as I had used the PC to book my appointment and maybe they thought I was trying to jump the queue for the second jab. I opened settings and was about to remove the cookies when I remembered that the last time I did that I lost all my passwords and it took ages to restore them.

BTW, if someone smarter than me knows any little workarounds about passwords I'd appreciate hearing about it.

Then I had my bright idea. Book the test using another browser. So I did and Bert was booked in for his first vaccination the following afternoon. It took about two minutes.

While he was at the vaccination centre I went to the Range and bought two cushion pads and a small saucepan. He was out of there just as I was leaving the store. Then we went to a nursery in Dervock and got over 100 native trees for planting in the wood. 

And that's what counts for an eventful couple of days during Lockdown-21.


Mage said...

Is that a pre phone call photograph or a post shot image. :)

Nelly said...

One from the archives Mage. I have so many photographs of Bert and dogs sharing duvets.

Anonymous said...

joyous post, on many levels