Last weekend Khail van Niekerk, 19, from South Africa did his very best to avoid hitting a fox whilst driving back from work. The fox survived but the car rolled. Khail did a lot of damage to his left arm and is currently up in Antrim Area Hospital awaiting a transfer to Dundonald for a skin graft.
N. So Khail you're experiencing a lot of what Norn Iron has to offer including the NHS.
K: I could have done without that experience thank you very much.
N. I suppose the food is very good.
K. It is the worst food I've ever had in my life. I couldn't eat a bite of it. I'm expecting to lose quite a bit of weight while I'm here.
N: But I'm sure you're enjoying all the pretty nurses fussing over you.
K: Pretty! You must be joking! They're all ancient old women over 30 and they all waddle about. They're not a bit like nurses are supposed to be.
N. You'll be pleased with the Yazoo chocolate milk I brought you.
K: Indeed I am not. Next time can you bring me a big J?
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