Ronni and Bert voted for the alcoves. I think
Dave liked the alcoves too but he wouldn't commit himself.
Hannah and cousin Margaret voted for the back wall. They nearly had me convinced, Bert said he would build shelves here with a happy heart.

But....not only was this
Zoe's choice, it got
Ganching and
Sandra's vote too. But Bert says he's not picking up as much as a nail until he hears what Leitrim Sister has to say.
For what it's worth I favour the alcoves; wall to wall shelves in there, generously spaced.
But don't you think that will make that wall look very busy?
BTW - I was out walking with a close relative today and she mentioned you. She thinks you are a fine looking man.
Yes, alcoves would be nice but you can't have both alcoves filled with shelves as you have the large dresser that will be placed in one of them. One alcove filled with shelves would not accommodate all your books, which is why I suggested a magnificent wall of books! It would look wonderful.
Dump the dresser, I like the symmetry of the books in the alcoves, with regards the business i'd get rid of the fireplace... and have on of those open fires. Nice simple chimney brest flanked by two grand shafts of literature.
You made me spell bad.
It took Bert three days to put in that fireplace - which is an original fitting fom the old house. We can't get rid of it! As for grand literature - there are a few good books, you'd find something to read I'm sure but they mostly wouldn't pass the Stray Toaster test.
Ah Nelly, great art is always about sacrifice...
you don't seem to care what i think despite me being a style queen! I think a wall of books would look really good - you could hang a picture in the second alcove? london sister
Oh I do care what you think Lndon Sister especially when you think the same as me! Bert is still holding out for Leitrim Sister. It's HIM hangs on her every word & action.
sorry Bert didn't know I was needed. SHELVES is what I say
The matter has been settled. Shelves on the big wall it is. The project commences tomorrow. Thanks for all the input y'all.
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