He hails from -
a. Rasharkin b. Rostrevor c. Randalstown
He likes -
a. Bono b. Jeremy Clarkson c. David Blunkett
He is -
a. 20 something b. 30 something c. over 40
He used to be -
a. a rent boy b. an altar boy c. a lady boy
He often walks through -
a. The Kalahari Desert b. The Mountains of Mourne c. The Streets of Baltimore
Whilst walking there he once encountered -
a. a leprechaun b. a flesh-eating zombie c. a lizardy thing
Then he -
a. slew it with a sword b. asked it to marry him c. wet his pants
He works -
a. in Starbucks b. for the Council c. in a top secret government research bunker
His favourite hobby is -
a. sleeping b. demolishing sheds c. sorting out his inland revenue payments
He grows excellent -
a. clematis b. cannabis c. carnations
He drives -
a. a Ford 4000 b. Nelly mad c. a Mercedes Benz
He plays -
a. the bagpipes b. the banjo c. the tin whistle
He calls his car -
a. Catalina b. Caitlin c. Catriona
His car is -
a. yellow b. orange c. tangerine
He knows a lot about -
a. thermal underwear b. thermodynamics c. thermaphrodites
He is often seen wearing -
a. sandals and socks b. black converse all-stars c. patent leather slip-ons
* Collection only. Decorations or lights not supplied..
There was much raisage of eyebrow at the chosen picture there...
And how did you know about my lady boy past? Huh?
I chose namesakes as I couldn't get a picture of Stray Toaster that he'd deem gorgeous enough. As for yours Mr Ed was a *talking horse.*
Oh aye. Lady boy past. Obvious really when you recently confessed to an interest in women's knickers.
I confess nothing.
Ed: Randalstown, Sir Jeremy of Clarkson, 20something, an altar boy.
Beowulf: The Mountains of Mourne, a lizardy thing, wet his pants, in a top secret government research bunker
Bert: demolishing sheds, clematis, a Mercedes Benz, the tin whistle
Marc: Caitlin, orange, thermodynamics, converse
I was torn between b&c for Bert's first question. As we all know, he does love the revenoo.
I'll announce the winner tomorrow.
....and The Talking Horse wins with 15 out of a possible 16. Bert's favourite hobby is actually sleeping.
The Dragon Slayer is the runner-up with 11 out of 16.
As The Rocking Elf did not enter the quiz, nor into any dispute about the colour of his ride it will stand as orange, at least in Cullybackey, where orange is one of our favourite shades.
Hmm, I *did* enter it, and it even told me it was posted successfully. Alas, I don't think I would have beaten everyone's favourite Randalstown blogger.
You know, I bet the submission is still on my machine at home. I shall take a screenshot to prove it. How very odd.
Ah well.
Have a fantastic Christmas, and keep the weekend of the 11th Feb next year free!
[strides/gallops onto stage, with We Are The Champions as accompaniment]
This, THIS, is for all those who didn't believe that I would amount to anything. For all you doubters, all you haters, all you right wing wankers and arse-lickers, I DID IT ANYWAY!
Nelly, I thank you for this excellent opportunity to show what success I have achieved.
Oh, and Merry Christmas.
The question is this Marc. Did you bate him at the quiz?
Congrats Ed. Do you want the tree or shall I donate it to an orphanage? Or wait until it's 30 foot and donate it to Ken? For Lahndan.
The donating it to Ken option is tempting. Especially if I can choose the placement of the tree, post-donation.
Aside: "Enema for Livingstone!"
That made me do that laugh-out-loud thing. I immediately got a picture of you racing towards Ken with the sharp end of a Christmas tree heading straight for his hole. Bert is a dab-hand with the chain saw (he so macho when he not sleeping) and he could shape the business end of it for you. But... you will need a couple of nimble footed chappies to help you with the run up. Any ideas who'd be keen?
I could think of a couple... I think Chez would be up for it, since he's about 20 stone and built like a brick shithouse. And I think mwk might be persuadable.
So now all we have to do is wair for the tree to grow another 15 foot.
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