Rosie says: We all hate you cat. All the wee wrens hate you and all the wee thrushes. All the wee birds and all the wee shrew mice hate your guts. Francis Joseph Banjo hates you and so does Paddy. I hate you and Nellybert hates you and Ed and Mikey hate you. Everybody hates you.
Harry de Cat says: Fuck yez all.
Give 'em hell, my man!
At the moment his 'eff u' attitude is the only thing he's got going for him. You want him?
I for one welcome our new feline overlords.
I am on the side of Harry. Having seen what our cat left of a rabbit he caught (ie: head and tail, nothing between except a cleaned spine) I don't want to wake up and be thinner. Oh, hang on...
I'm on Harry's side. He's a cat and cats eat birdies. Just in the same way that you're a Nelly and Nellies eat chocolate bars. only difference is that Harry has no conscience telling him not to eat the birdies
But Nellies don't torture chocolate bars before eating them.
However I am having chicken for my tea and somebody else tortured it - but that was for profit, not for fun. Oops...conscience kicking in.
Anyway I don't eat chocolate any more.
Marc - at least your cat eats what it kills. Must save you a fortune on cat food.
I am on harry's side too but i say its ok to hate him cos he jus dont care, in fact i think he prefers it.
I like his attitude-maybe i'm coming round to the guy. but i reckon thats just cos i get less satisfaction in hating something that simply couldn't give a shit!
(wicked photo-you can really see the fear in his eyes...) xx
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